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400 Sycamore Ave, Shrewsbury

- Audio Tour -

Take the full audio tour, or focus on your areas of interest! Discover what life was like when the Allen House was the bustling Blue Ball Tavern. Enjoy your visit!

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Station One



Station Two

Josiah Halstead and Tavern Life


Station Three

Servants, Slaves, and Services


Station Four

A Sad Ending


Station Five

The Revolution, Piracy and

A Little Massacre

Continue your tour with nearby historic sites 

Christ Church and Cemetery
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The first parish church building was built on this site in 1732-33. In 1738, King George II granted the church its official charter, which is still on display in the church. During the Revolution the church was used as barracks by patriot soldiers. Since it was a symbol of the British Crown, these soldiers shot at the pulpit and at the orb and crown on the steeple atop the church building. 

The Quaker Meeting House
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The Shrewsbury Meeting is the oldest rural religious congregation in NJ. Dating back to the mid-1660s. The Meetinghouse was rebuilt in its present form in 1816, and is listed on the state and national registries of historic places. The cemetery features the names of many local settlers, and people are welcome to visit to search for the graves of ancestors.

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