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MCHA Presents

A Virtual Lecture Series

- Co-Sponsored by the Monmouth County Library -


Register below today for FREE Zoom lectures given by Monmouth County's most interesting and well-respected historians! You'll even have the chance to engage in a Q&A at the end! 

Browse our upcoming line-up to join us on the specified date at 7 PM:

Sept 17th

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Dominic Etzold presents

Reaping the Whirlwind:

The U-Boat War off North America During WWI


Acclaimed author Dominic Etzold will be presenting the fascinating and little-known story of the U-Boat activity off the New Jersey coastline in the summer of 1918. He will debunk myths and explore local history the German and American archival evidence, survivor testimony, and period logs. Mr. Etzold's book "Reaping the Whirlwind: The U-boat War off North America during World War I" made it to BookAuthority's “Best New World War I Books” and “Best World War I Books of All Time” rankings. For more on this book, please visit the Monmouth Timeline!

October 10th

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Gary Saretzky presents

Why Didn't People Smile in Old Photos, or Did They?


Back in the early days of photography in the 1840s, photographers said, “Say Prunes,” instead of “Say Cheese” to get a facial expression considered appropriate for a portrait. Most sitters continued to display serious faces until the 20th century. Yet a small percentage of extant 19th century portraits show people smiling. Illustrated with numerous examples, including some celebrity portraits, this lecture explores the smiling/not smiling continuum in 19th century photographic portraiture.

Nov 21st


Joel Farkas presents

The Pilgrims and the Mayflower

We celebrate Thanksgiving every November, but do you really know why? In The Pilgrims and the Mayflower, Joel Farkas will answer all of your Thanksgiving questions, including: Who really were the pilgrims? Why did they sail on the Mayflower? What’s the real story about the origins of Thanksgiving? What does Henry VIII ( yes, the one with all the wives) have to do with any of this? And …WHAT’S WITH THE TURKEY? Don't miss the ship! Register today!


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Register with the last name of each lecturer you would like to attend, or just type "All" if you would like to be automatically registered for all future lectures. There is no need to register again if you have selected "all" at any point. You will receive a reminder email a few days before the lecture date, and the link will be emailed a couple of hours prior to start time. 

Thanks for registering!

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